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5.5 Boulevard Kukulcán Cancun Mexico

+52 (998) 260 4995


Cancun Night Dive

Cancun night dive

Night Dive in Cancun

2 Tank Experience

Night diving in Cancun is one of the most incredible diving experiences you will have, discover a whole new world of marine life after sunset. Even if you have done this dive site during the day. Everything change as day creatures retire and nocturnal life emerge.

Get ready to dive with eels, octopus, turtles,  and wide awake lobsters & crabs, all can be found in the reef. If you have ever wondered what happens underwater after the sun goes down, do not miss this dive.

Dive with the most experienced crew around, this package only for certified divers.

Cancun Night Dive Highligts:

  • Check in 6:00 pm
  • 1 Dive in the beautiful reef at night.
  • All equipment included (Also the Wetsuit)
  • All conservation & dock fees included
  • Back around 9:00 pm to the dock

Experience the bioluminescence of the beautiful Caribbean at night.

Here are a few things to remember about night diving in Cancun

There are different ways of making hand signals to your buddy. Be mind full to not shine your light in other divers eyes. When you get back to the boat turn your flashlight off.

The crews eyes will have adjusted to the night and you will temporary blind them. They may not be able to see to help you.

Have great bouyancy as your brain will be working in 2D. You wont know where the bottom is till you hit it.

It is harder to navigate as you can only see whats in the beam of your light. We hang a light off the back of our boat that flashes. When you get near it you have found the boat.

When pointing your flashlight beam at critters (especially small ones) you might be making them a target for predators. Lion fish will lurk in the dark and pounce on fish in your beam!

Night Dive In Cancun

Cancun night dive

Night Dive in Cancun Pricing

115 USD Including:

  • 100% Bad Weather Refund Warranty
  • Diving Equipment (BCD, Regulator, Mask, Fins, Diving Lights & Wetsuit)
  • 2 Tank Local Dives (Twilight and Night Dive)
  • Conservation Fee
  • Dock Fee
  • Drinking water on board
  • Guide